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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging


News list

  • 23rd Zurich Gerontology Day 2023

  • 4th UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days

  • Final Event URPP 2

  • MaDoKo 2024

  • 22nd Zurich Gerontology Day 2023

  • Scientifica 2023

  • 3rd UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days

  • MaDoKo 2023

  • Data Protection and Research - Possible Solutions

  • Annual Meeting of the Swiss Centenarian Study (SWISS100)

  • 17th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society 2022

  • 2nd UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days

  • MaDoKo 2022

  • Conference - "Musik in der Pflege und Betreuung von an Demenz erkrankten Menschen"

  • The Persistence of Memory - Perspectives on Dementia from Art, Philosophy, Medicine

  • 50th Motivational Psychology Colloquium (MPK)

  • 8th Conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment 2021

  • 1st UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days

  • MoHeaP 2021: Workshop on Mobility, Health, and Place

  • Woman in Big Data Retreat: Coding. Career. Community.

  • Data Protection and Research: Challenges, Conflicts, Solution Approach

  • 3rd International Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Semantic Analysis of Multi-Scale Health Dynamics"

  • MaDoKo 2020

  • AAG 2020 Sessions on "Advances in Computational Approaches for Geospatial Health Applications"

  • Woman in Big Data Retreat: AI and Cities

  • Guest lecture by animation filmmaker Soetkin Verstegen

  • 2nd Workshop on "Dyadic Dynamics"

  • Workshop on "Well-Being and Aging: Today and Tomorrow"

  • Workshop on "Applied Machine Learning for Social & Environmental Problems"

  • 3rd Brainhack Zurich: Open tools for reproducible neuroscience

    October 3-4, 2019
    The third edition of this event in Zurich is co-organized by Sabine Dziemian, M.Sc. and Martyna Plomecka, M.Sc. (both URPP DynAge and Department of Psychology) with colleagues from ETH and USZ. You can find more information here.

  • Workshop on "Regulating Algorithms for Health?"

    September 30, 2019
    Dr. Burcu Demiray (URPP DynAge and Department of Psychology) is co-organizing a workshop on "Regulating Algorithms for Health?" with the Collegium Helveticum. The workshop will discuss if and how algorithms for health research and promotion should be regulated. More information can be found here.

  • Workshop on "Text Analytics for Health: Applications and Implications"

  • Guest lecture by Lauren M. Hamel, Ph.D. (Karmanos Cancer Institute/Wayne State University, USA)

  • MaDoKo 2019

  • 5th International Conference Aging & Cognition 2019

  • Workshop for the "a+ Swiss Platform Ageing Society"



  • 2nd International Interdisciplinary Workshop on Semantic Analysis of Multi-Scale Health Dynamics

  • Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Inbal (Billie) Nahum-Shani (University of Michigan, USA)

  • Workshop: "Introduction to Adaptive and Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions in Mobile Health: Theoretical, Practical and Methodological Considerations"

  • 2nd URPP In-House Conference

  • Workshop on "Personality and Healthy Aging"

  • Workshop on "Semantic Activity Analytics"

  • Global WHO Collaborating Centers Representatives Meeting

  • MaDoKo 2018

  • 2nd Brainhack Zurich: Open tools for reproducible neuroscience

  • Franziskus Liem on "Brain health - Individualizing neuroscience"

  • 1st URPP In-House Conference

  • Healthy Ageing at Zurich meets Hongkong

  • MaDoKo 2017

  • Prof. Dr. Alexandra M. Freund at conference Aging & Cognition 2017

  • 4th International Conference Aging & Cognition 2017

  • Visiting Researcher David Almeida

  • 1st Brainhack Zurich: Open tools for reproducible neuroscience

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Planning an event that is of interest for our community? Let us know!


Dr. Marc Grosjean
Scientific Project Developer/Manager
Phone: +41 44 635 74 15