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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

Global WHO Collaborating Centers Representatives Meeting

Based on a collaboration agreement, the WHO Department of Ageing and Life Course, supported by the Velux Stiftung, provided the URPP with the opportunity to host a 2-day meeting of representatives from existing WHO Collaborating Centres from around the world in Bern on July 2-3, 2018. The meeting was designed to scope the opportunities of using overlaps in existing Collaborating Centres and other institutions with the Healthy Aging-Agenda of WHO.

The need for coordinating a global network, a platform of «reverse innovation» to understand best practices of community-oriented health measurements from a global perspective, and a network to conduct the first 6-region study using the next generation of health profile measurement developed at the URPP were among the agreed-upon outcomes.

URPP Dynamcis of Healthy Aging
