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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

Guest lecture by animation filmmaker Soetkin Verstegen

"The Persistence of Memory - Dementia and Digital Aid Tools for Decision-Making"


January 14, 2020
When: 14:30
Where: Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zurich, Room: AND 4.57 (4th floor)

Soetkin Verstegen is an animation filmmaker based in Brussels who will be artist-in-lab resident at the URPP DynAge and the Department of Psychology. Her films are composed of different handmade techniques: Drawing, sculpture and experiment. She studied Scriptwriting and Cultural studies and is an alumna of the Animation Workshop's AniDox:Residency in Denmark and Akademie Schloss Solitude in Germany. Next to making independent work, she is a freelance animator, puppet and set builder for studios and teacher of animation workshops. You can find more information about her work here.

URPP Dynamcis of Healthy Aging
