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UFSP Dynamik Gesunden Alterns (2013-2024)

Lindsey  Conrow

Lindsey Conrow, Dr.

  • Postdoc
+41 44 635 52 57
Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich
Y25 J 74

URPP Research Area

  • Mobility, activity, and social interaction study (MOASIS)

URPP Research Group

Research Interests

  • GIScience and spatial analysis
  • Mobility/movement data and analysis
  • Crowdsourced data


  • 6. Wentz, E. A., York, A. M., Alberti, M., Conrow, L., Fischer, H., Inostroza, L., …, & Taubenböck, H. (2018). Six fundamental aspects for conceptualizing multidimensional urban form: A spatial mapping perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 179, 55-62
  • 5. Conrow, L., Wentz., E.A., Nelson, T., Pettit, C. (2018). Comparing spatial patterns of crowdsourced and conventional bicycling datasets. Applied Geography, 92, 21-30.
  • 4. Conrow, L., Murray, A.T., Fischer, H.A. (2018). An optimization approach for equitable bicycle share station siting. Journal of Transport Geography, 69, 163-170.
  • 3. Leao, S. Z., Lieske, S. N., Conrow, L., Doig, J., Mann, V., & Pettit, C. J. (2017). Building a National-Longitudinal Geospatial Bicycling Data Collection from Crowdsourcing. Urban Science, 1(3), 23.
  • 2. Conrow, L., Aldstadt, J.A., & Mendoza, N.S. (2015). A Spatio-temporal Analysis of On-Premises Alcohol Outlets and Violent Crime Events in Buffalo, NY. Applied Geography, 58, 198-205.
  • 1. Mendoza, N. S., Conrow, L., Baldwin, A., & Booth, J. (2013). Using GIS to describe risk and neighborhood-level factors associated with substance abuse treatment outcomes. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(7), 799-810. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21572.