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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

Dr. Matthias Hofer

Matthias Hofer, Dr.

  • Ambizione Research Fellow
+41 44 635 20 63
Andreasstrasse 15, CH-8050 Zürich
Room number
AND 3.21

Research group

MUAWO – Media Use and Well-Being of Older Adults

Research interests


Media use and well-being

  • Effects of entertainment media on younger and older adults’ mental health and well-being

  • Effects of online media on users’ social capital

  • Media effects on moral intuitions and moral behavior

Experiences and effects of mediated environments

  • Presence and embodiment in mediated environments

  • Effects of computer games and virtual realities on emotional and cognitive processes

Entertainment research

  • Entertainment media as a source of meaning

  • Benefits of entertainment media in coping with mortality

  • Entertainment motivations in different cultures

Methods and statistics

  • Ambulatory assessment

  • Experimental methods

  • Operationalization of theoretical concepts in communication research (e.g., eudaimonic entertainment experiences, emotion regulation, emotional involvement)

  • Psychophysiological, implicit, and behavioral measurement

  • Measurement invariance tests between different cultures and different age groups