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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

Olenka Dworakowski, M.Sc. and Charlotte A. Kukowski, M.Sc. each received a Poster Prize at MADOKO 2021

We are proud to announce that doctoral students Olenka Dworakowski, M.Sc. and Charlotte A. Kukowski, M.Sc. (URPP Dynage & Department of Psychology) were each awarded with a poster prize in the doctoral student category: Olenka Dwoarakoswski for her poster on "The Language of the Covid-19 Pandemic - Associations between official communication and collective emotional responses across countries“, and Charlotte Kukowski for her poster on "We're All in This Together: Cooperative Self-Control in Public Support for Behavioral Climate Policy". The MADOKO is a yearly poster conference of the UZH Department of Psychology. More information about the prize and the other awardees can be found (in German) here.

URPP Dynamcis of Healthy Aging
