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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

New German update of the automated text analysis program LIWC has been released

Tabea Meier, Andrea B. Horn and Mike Martin have developed a new German adaptation of the word count program LIWC (“Linguistic Word Count and Inquiry”). The major update for the analysis of German text samples was a cooperation with Markus Wolf (UZH). It is the result of an international collaboration with the “father” of LIWC, James W. Pennebaker, one of the most cited Social Psychologists, Ryan L. Boyd (University of Texas, Austin) and Matthias R. Mehl (University of Arizona, Tucson).

LIWC is an automated, word count-based text analysis program to analyze word use in different settings. Word use may reveal relevant psychological information about the social context of healthy aging, and is studied e.g. in everyday life conversations or couples’ interactions.

The new German adaptation “DE-LIWC2015” has been integrated directly into the LIWC-system, and is available within the most recent version of the LIWC2015 software as an internal dictionary.

More details about the development and psychometric properties of DE-LIWC2015 are reported in the accompanying manual (see:

Meier, T., Boyd, R.L., Pennebaker, J.W., Mehl, M.R., Martin, M., Wolf, M., & Horn, A.B. (2018). “LIWC auf Deutsch”: The Development, Psychometrics, and Introduction of DE-LIWC2015.

For questions concerning DE-LIWC2015, please contact Tabea Meier: and Andrea B. Horn:, head of research group "CoupleSense: Health and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation", University Research Priority Program "Dynamics of Healthy Aging", University of Zurich, Switzerland.

URPP Dynamcis of Healthy Aging
